Walmart’s Online Grocery Shopping and Pickup Program Beats Amazon Fresh Food Delivery

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Image via Flickr by jdnx Amazon made headlines on Black Friday 2013 with an announcement that the online retail giant is developing flying drones to deliver packages. The U.S. Army and some interests in Europe are in the process of developing driverless trucks. Now Rolls Royce makes it known that they’ve been developing unmanned cargo…
Image via Flickr by David Schiersner Adidas is a leader in retail footwear and clothing. Customers love their sporty look, comfortable fit, and innovative designs. To achieve these results, Adidas has sought out the best suppliers around the world. Many of those suppliers were formerly in Asia, but in 2014, Adidas decided to take their…
Image via Flickr by Lars Plougmann The Internet has been in the news a lot lately — net neutrality will remain the same and the Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger has been put at bay. However, there is still a major problem with Internet in the U.S. Most of the internet infrastructure across the country is…
Image via Flickr jeepersmedia/ Several fast food chains are reconsidering their animal welfare programs because consumers are starting to show that they care about this issue. Wendy’s is the most recent company to make changes to its supply chain in order to improve the treatment of animals. The fast food company just announced it will…
Image via Flickr L2F1 For decades now, businesses have been using large metal containers to ship their goods around the world. These containers easily transfer from large cargo ships to trains for distribution. However, manufacturers are making larger and larger cargo ships that end up causing supply chain issues.Oops! You don’t have permission to view…
Image via Flickr by Gwan Kho Motorola Solutions has released a new report entitled, “Warehousing 2018: From Cost Center to Growth Center” wherein they define and predict the changes expected in the industry. Among their predictions, distribution centers are expected to get bigger, while the use of cross docking and task interleaving is expected to be…