Food Logistics Presents Special Challenges

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Image via Flickr by The average modern business spends most of their IT budget on simply maintaining their network, leaving only a small amount available for upgrades and innovations. With the rate of advancements in technology, keeping up isn’t always easy. Many companies are turning to cloud computing for a cost-effective solution.Oops! You don’t…
Image via Flickr by Janitors Apple is doing well. They had an amazing fiscal year because of iPhone 6 sales. Part of their success was a result of expansion into the mobile market in China and sales there. Apple has big plans for further business in China, and this is supported by their already strong…
Image via Flickr by Leszek Kozlowski The crisis in Ukraine started over a year ago when pro-Moscow leader Viktor Yanukovych broke a trade agreement with the E.U. in favor of an agreement with Russia. This caused protests in Kiev, eventually toppling Mr. Yanukovych and causing Russia to move in and annex Crimea. Now, Russia is…
Image via Flickr by Hakan Dahlstrom In 1993, Martha Cooper and Lisa Ellram co-wrote and published the Characteristics of Supply Chain Management and the Implications for Purchasing and Logistics Strategy. After more than twenty years of debate, trials, and errors, many supply chain professionals believed the practices described in the paper simply weren’t able to…
Image via Flickr by SteelMaster Buildings The London Metal Exchange (LME) decided on new regulations this past Thursday, Nov. 7, aimed at addressing bottlenecks of metals in its warehouses. According to The Wall Street Journal, these bottlenecks are usually caused when warehouses reserve metals for traders and bankers, which are using it to raise working…
Image via Flickr bencorman H&M is one of the largest fashion retail companies in the world. Despite years of supply chain challenges, the company has remained profitable and popular. H&M has done this by strengthening its brand against growing concerns for the environment and human rights during manufacturing. Read on to learn more about H&M’s…