No Technology for YOU

No Technology for YOU As countries keep slapping new tariffs (e.g. semiconductor chips), the U.S. has announced new tariffs on exports of advanced technology such quantum computers. While not the only country to not want to share with others, other countries such as the UK and Netherlands also have similar technology tariffs in place. Canada…

Steel Supply Heading Towards Crisis Levels?

Steel Supply Heading Towards Crisis Levels? The demand for steel is heading towards “crisis” levels warns one of the industries biggest suppliers. Industry executives are preparing everyone for a Game of Thrones-level forewarning that “Winter is coming” to the steel industry as executives expect demand for steel to plummet around the world. Discount Furniture Sellers…

Fedex & UPS Offering Competitive Prices, Who Knew?

Fedex & UPS Offering Competitive Prices, Who Knew? If you’re an SMB (small business), you might be eligible for competitive pricing from the big couriers like Fedex and UPS. As both delivery companies compete for more customers, the competition is benefiting small businesses. The Future of Auto Manufacturing: Robots AI robot startup, Figure, released new…

In the Face of Supply Chain Challenges, Hasbro, Has Tackled This Head on

In the Face of Supply Chain Challenges, Hasbro, Has Tackled This Head on As many businesses experienced during the pandemic years, supply chain headaches were experienced by business small and large. Take the established toy manufacturer, Hasbro, they tackled their supply chain challenges and have even turned the challenges into better profit margins. Here’s how…

What Happens When We’ve Mined Everything on Earth?

What Happens When We’ve Mined Everything on Earth? A deepwater port and road project has been given the greenlight in the Nunavut (northern region of Canada). This project would create the first “road” linking Canada to the Arctic. Why? The Canadian Arctic is rich with minerals and rare earth metals but hasn’t been mined yet…