Ford Makes Big Strides Towards Self-Driving Vehicles

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Image via Flickr by Alice Henneman Listeria is a foodborne illness that causes fever, chills, vomiting, and headache. The illness can range from mild to severe, and in some cases be life threatening. That’s why the food industry needs to be extra careful to ensure that their products are listeria free and safe for consumers…
Image via Flickr by _gee_ Ballard Farms is the oldest continually operating dairy distributer in the greater Philadelphia area, founded in 1891. It serves parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and Washington D.C. with orders of milk, cream, ice cream, drinks, cheeses, and other gourmet foods. Their customers include restaurants, convenience stores, coffee…
Image via Flickr nevil zaveri Slavery might seem like an issue of the past, but it’s still present in many communities today. If you eat fruits and vegetables, wear cotton clothing, use a cellphone, or eat chocolate, you might be contributing inadvertently to slavery. In recent years, consumers have driven companies to improve environmental practices…
Image via Flickr by DennisM2 AkzoNobel is a company based in the Netherlands that develops, manufactures, and distributes a variety of paints, specialty paints, coatings, and DIY products, including home maintenance paints and coatings, as well as coatings and paints for the automotive industry, shipping industry, and aircraft industry. In business since the 1770s, AkzoNobel…
Image via Flickr by boellstiftung According to a recent report by Reuters, “Drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline plans to invest up to 130 million pounds ($216 million) in Africa over the next five years as chronic diseases become more common among the continent’s swelling urban middle classes.”Oops! You don’t have permission to view this page! Make sure you’re…
Image via Flickr by bradleypjohnson The Harvard Drug Group is a drug distribution company, operating from three facilities around the United States. Their primary facility is in Livonia, Michigan, with additional distribution centers in San Diego, California and Indianapolis, Indiana. Harvard Drug is the only company that distributes both generic and name brand drugs. They…