How the Harvard Drug Group Was Able to Comply With Increased Federal Regulations

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Image via Flickr by Curimedia | P H O T O G R A P H Y On March 17, Jet Airways announced that they will start operating dedicated freight planes instead of passenger-only planes. As long as the company gets regulatory approval, the first freight planes will begin operations in April 2015. Jet Airways…
Image via Flickr by Carl Wycoff Fifteen years ago, the U.S. banned imports of beef from Ireland because of mad cow disease. Now, the ban is being lifted. This will boost the euro beef industry by millions of dollars, particularly in Ireland. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has performed strict inspections at beef production facilities in…
Image via Flickr by seier + seier Though the consumer market has been slow to embrace green products and sustainable practices, industrial companies are moving toward sustainability more quickly, especially in sales to business to business (B2B) products and processes. The glass, chemical, and paint manufacturer PPG, based in Pittsburg, PA, illustrates this point perfectly….
Image via Flickr nevil zaveri Slavery might seem like an issue of the past, but it’s still present in many communities today. If you eat fruits and vegetables, wear cotton clothing, use a cellphone, or eat chocolate, you might be contributing inadvertently to slavery. In recent years, consumers have driven companies to improve environmental practices…
Image via Flickr darinmarshall On August 31, 2016, Hanjin Shipping filed for bankruptcy protection. Ports refused to accept containers from the company or started charging exorbitant rates, out of fear they wouldn’t be compensated. The collapse of Hanjin Shipping is the largest container shipping bankruptcy in history, and its effect on international supply chains is…
Image via Flickr by Dick Thomas Johnson As tensions build on the Korean peninsula, the electronics industry is making preparations for possible shutdowns of large-scale electronics suppliers in South Korea. In our current supply chain, halting production of parts and components in any one region of the world seriously hinders the whole industry’s ability to…