The International Business of Off-Price Retail

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Image via Flickr Ingrid Taylar The Port of Oakland reached an all-time high for container volume at the end of 2016. Growth continues to soar at the port, and loaded containers account for 52 percent of all volume. Check out what enabled the Port of Oakland to set the record and how other West Coast…
Image via Flickr by How Can I Recycle This According to the Global Rigid Plastic Packing Market 2013-2023 analysis and report conducted by the company Visingain, the market is expected to grow by $161.11 during the year 2013. Most of the growth will occur in developing markets, where labor costs are low and the countries…
Image via Flickr by David Villarreal Fernández China’s economy has been booming for the past 15 years, but things are really slowing down. The auto industry is feeling the slowdown, too. New-vehicle sales in China are only half of what they were a year ago. Surprisingly, automakers are not slowing down production to match demand,…
Image via Flickr by epSos.ed In a recent interview, General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immett said that Americans of his generation looked to Europe for innovations in energy creation and use. In the future, though, Americans will look to China.Oops! You don’t have permission to view this page! Make sure you’re logged in and try again,…
Image via Flickr by Kolin Toney On Tuesday Feb. 18, President Obama announced new regulations for big trucks and fuel economy. In his recent address, the president stated: “Heavy-duty trucks account for just 4 percent of all the vehicles on the highway. […] But they’re responsible for about 20 percent of carbon pollution in the…
Image via Flickr by didbygraham Staples, a global retailer of office supplies and equipment, has found the perfect niche for using electric trucks within their fleet of almost 2,000 delivery vehicles. According to Staples director of fleet equipment Mike Payette, the trucks are ideal for short local delivery routes within cities where lots of stops…