Auto Workers in South Don’t Want the Union, But That Isn’t Stopping UAW
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Auto Workers in South Don’t Want the Union, But That Isn’t Stopping UAW

When the Rust Belt in Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, and other northern, heavily unionized states began to decline and lose jobs to non-unionized right to work states in the south, such as Tennessee, Texas, Mississippi, and Alabama, many blamed the unions. Even as automakers struggled financially, unions hurt their chances of survival…

CEO of Bentley Motors Speaks Out About Lack of Supply Chain

CEO of Bentley Motors Speaks Out About Lack of Supply Chain

The chief executive officer of luxury automotive manufacturer Bentley Motors, Dr. Wolfgang Schreiber, has spoken publically about the country’s lack of basic supplier infrastructure when it comes to supplying needed parts for automakers. According to Schreiber, the country’s government is doing a good thing by providing £1 for the into low-carbon engines for their automotive makers, but…

Government Shutdown, Pirates, and Acts of Terrorism Complicate Shipping Trade
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Government Shutdown, Pirates, and Acts of Terrorism Complicate Shipping Trade

The government shutdown, combined with new acts of terrorism along the Suez canal, and the normal incidents of piracy combine to complicate shipping endeavors worldwide. According to sources at the Port of Savannah, where all eleven Suez shipping services call upon for shipments to the eastern coast of the United States, 6,000 of the approximate…

Ship Builders Flood Market With New Vessels Just as Panama Canal Expansion Lessens Need

Ship Builders Flood Market With New Vessels Just as Panama Canal Expansion Lessens Need

According to Joachim Grieg & Co., just as the widened Panama Canal increases vessel capacity and reduces the number of vessels needed to transport liquid petroleum gasses from the United States to Asia, ship builders are flooding the market with new ships. Together, the situations could lead to the eventual collapse of the shipping industry’s…

Packaging Becomes a Highly Desirable Trait Heading Forward

Packaging Becomes a Highly Desirable Trait Heading Forward

Package engineering has long been the least glamorous element of manufacturing. It isn’t as snazzy as marketing, is less glorious than production, and not seemingly as challenging as transportation. But package engineering is emerging as a sought after degree in business schools, and the impacts of smart package design go beyond purely functional, playing into…

Trends in Trucking Indicate Both Good and Bad News for the Future of the Economy

Trends in Trucking Indicate Both Good and Bad News for the Future of the Economy

According to the American Trucking Association, truck freight rose slightly (1.4 percent) during the month of August. This comes on the heels of a slight downturn in July (0.6 percent), but is the third month within the past four months that freight rose, which is a positive indicator. 

UPS Conducts Survey of UK Online Shoppers and Finds Some Interesting Trends
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UPS Conducts Survey of UK Online Shoppers and Finds Some Interesting Trends

The global package delivery giant UPS has concluded a survey of European online shoppers, and the results may be interesting to online retailers all over the world. As more consumers are willing to shop online, and fewer depend solely on brick and mortar stores for their businesses, it is important to know what online shoppers…

Clothing Makers Join Ranks of Manufacturers Returning to U.S. Soil

Clothing Makers Join Ranks of Manufacturers Returning to U.S. Soil

The trend toward bringing manufacturing jobs, which have moved toward cheaper labor pools in developing nations for decades, back to the U.S. to produce more American jobs and higher quality products is well underway. In the midst of this influx of new jobs lies the garment industry, where small to medium-sized clothing designers and manufacturers…

How Balford Farms Improved Order Accuracy

How Balford Farms Improved Order Accuracy

Ballard Farms is the oldest continually operating dairy distributer in the greater Philadelphia area, founded in 1891. It serves parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and Washington D.C. with orders of milk, cream, ice cream, drinks, cheeses, and other gourmet foods. Their customers include restaurants, convenience stores, coffee retailers, frozen dessert retailers, and…