BP Releases Much-Anticipated Annual BP Statistical Review of World Energy

BP Releases Much-Anticipated Annual BP Statistical Review of World Energy

Respected as the single most comprehensive report of energy consumption around the globe available, the Annual BP Statistical Review of World Energy was released in June, as usual. What isn’t so normal about the report is that it suggests energy consumers around the globe are responding to slow growth in the worldwide economy and calls…

Social Media Making an Impact on the Supply Chain Sooner, Not Later

Social Media Making an Impact on the Supply Chain Sooner, Not Later

In 2011, Aldelante conducted a survey of supply chain executives and asked them what the impact of social media sites would likely be in the future. Half of the responding executives indicated social media would change the supply chain in positive ways, one-third answered that it would make supply chain processes more responsive, efficient, and…

Large Energy Buyers Unwilling to Pay Extra for Green Energy

Large Energy Buyers Unwilling to Pay Extra for Green Energy

Amidst a global worry over energy prices, green technologies are taking a backseat to traditional power sources, especially when it comes time to spend more for greener power, according to a new survey conducted by EnergyQuote JHA. The survey analyzed the responses of 50 large-scale energy buyers. Of the respondents, almost half (49 percent) expressed…

What Does the Future Hold for the United States Postal Service?

What Does the Future Hold for the United States Postal Service?

Whether you’re a business owner who relies on the United States Postal Service to send products to your customers, or you’re just a regular person who needs to pay her utilities bill, the future of the USPS matters to you. And no matter where you stand on USPS funding, it’s clear that something needs to…

Podcasters Beware: You May Be Breaking the Law

Podcasters Beware: You May Be Breaking the Law

Prominent podcasters throughout the United States can expect to receive legal notifications that they’re infringing on a defunct company’s patent. The man sending these letters is Jim Logan, and he’s already won a lawsuit against Apple for $8 million. That ruling essentially says that Apple owes Logan money, who invented a precursor to iTunes and…