Computer Recycler Doubles Capacity With New System

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Image via Flickr automobileitalia Driverless trucks are undergoing testing in several states, and Ohio is creating the ideal testing environment with its “smart” road plan. The state plans to build this road over a 35 mile stretch. Take a look at what the state hopes to accomplish with this smart road.Oops! You don’t have permission…
Image via Flickr by Investing in Gold The World Bank didn’t paint a happy picture for commodity prices following a lackluster 2013. Gold prices are expected to take a huge hit, dropping during the course of 2014 by 16 percent to $1,050, down from its current price of $1,251 per troy ounce, according to Goldman…
Image via Flickr by Invernesstrucker Perishables cause a headache for supply chains because of the need for refrigeration. However, consumers want fresh foods and companies must learn how to deliver with a cold chain to stay competitive. Let’s take a look at the delicate balance companies must achieve between costs, regulations, and speed.Oops! You don’t…
Image via Flickr Atomic Taco For over two years, Amazon has operated its Prime Pantry service, through which it delivers non-perishable grocery items to customers’ homes. Now the company aims to implement a new program that delivers all grocery items, even those that need refrigeration. Take a look at this new program, called AmazonFresh, and…
Image via Flickr by Jeepersmedia One reason why Wal-Mart has been able to expand so rapidly and beat out their competition is the fact that they control almost all of their own warehousing and shipping in house. Wal-Mart has several warehouses across the U.S. with their own fleet of trucks. However, that’s all about to…
Image via Flickr by mollymazilu For two decades, supply chain professionals have focused on reducing costs by trimming the unnecessary fat in their operations. Leaner production processes, lower on-hand inventory levels, and smaller, more frequent shipments created a just-in-time (JIT) supply chain that encouraged globalization. However, the risks and challenges associated with today’s supply chain…