How QVC Utilized Datalogic and Peak-Ryzex

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Image via Flickr by Investing in Gold The World Bank didn’t paint a happy picture for commodity prices following a lackluster 2013. Gold prices are expected to take a huge hit, dropping during the course of 2014 by 16 percent to $1,050, down from its current price of $1,251 per troy ounce, according to Goldman…
Image via Flickr by IntelFreePress Quality control standards have evolved to fit different production methods since the Middle Ages but it wasn’t until shortly after the Industrial Revolution that quality inspections and specialized departments for quality control came into being. Quality assurance as it is known today was first introduced in Japan in the mid…
Image via Flickr by westonhighschoollibrary Several companies are investigating 3D printing because it could revolutionize the supply chain industry. Instead of having items made in a third-world country and then shipped around the world, 3D printing opens up the possibility of making products anywhere and minimizing shipping needs. This means 3D printing could save companies…
Image via Flickr by egmboeingpilot Boeing and Delta are at odds over a federal export-import institution. The 80-year old trade agreement, which could soon come to an end, essentially provides guaranteed loans and other incentives to foreign buyers in order to help U.S. companies sell their products. Read on to learn how Delta is fighting…
Image via Flickr by scott1346 President Obama signed the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) into law on January 4, 2011. It marked the biggest food safety reforms that the U.S. has seen in over half a century. Now, the FDA is announcing four new changes to the FSMA that will affect food suppliers and shippers…
Image via Flickr Christian Cable In 2012, Hostess filed for bankruptcy. At that time, the company announced that it would no longer manufacture Twinkies or many of the brand’s other goodies. This caused an uproar, and the little spongy cakes started flying off the shelves. Hostess has since completed major rebranding and is finally making…