Monsanto: Powering Through GMO Protests and Debates

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Image via Flickr by jurvetson For years, companies in the U.S. have found it cheaper and more efficient to manufacture goods in China, which helped make China the world’s second-largest economy. This, however, also decreased manufacturing gains in America. In 2014, experts have seen a steady reversal, causing China’s economy to struggle. Conversely, the economic…
Image via Flickr Ingrid Taylar The Port of Oakland reached an all-time high for container volume at the end of 2016. Growth continues to soar at the port, and loaded containers account for 52 percent of all volume. Check out what enabled the Port of Oakland to set the record and how other West Coast…
Image via Flickr danielmoyle Every year the World Bank loans between $15 billion and $20 billion to government contracts around the world. Contractors must go through a bid process to be considered for government contracts, but it lacks transparency and consistency. The World Bank intends to reform its procurement policies in order to cut down…
Image via Flickr by rejflinger Businesses are always looking for cheaper ways to ship their goods to customers while choosing sustainable options. Nestle Waters is taking a proactive approach with propane-powered delivery vehicles. They are reducing their operations costs while also lowering their carbon footprint — something that consumers are starting to care about. Take…
Image via Flickr jpalinsad360 Several Listeria monocytogenes outbreaks have already been reported in 2016. This growing problem is plaguing the food industry, particularly when it comes to pre-washed salad and fresh-cut vegetable products. For instance, one of the biggest Listeria outbreaks happened at an Ohio Dole processing plant in January 2016. Thousands of products were…
Image via Flickr by Nite_Owl Since the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act passed in July, 2010, procurement professionals have thought more than ever about the various metals within their supply chains, particularly if those metals may contain conflict minerals. The conflict minerals law added to the Dodd-Frank Act could have a widespread…