Papa John’s Successfully Reduces Freight Spend and Supply Chain Costs

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Image via Flickr by Pete Markham The International Longshore Warehouse Union and the Pacific Maritime Association have been arguing over labor contracts since earlier this year. Their disagreements have caused major delays at the West Coast ports. Months later, there is still is no progress.Oops! You don’t have permission to view this page! Make sure…
Image via Flickr by Rafael Gomez A new study by Stratfor Global Intelligence concludes that China is stepping down from its unofficial position as the go to cheap labor source of the world, and other developing countries are now emerging as a replacement option for global manufacturers in need of a cheap labor source. By…
Image via Flickr by photologue_np If you conduct a Google search of “U.S. talent shortage” you’re going to get approximately 6.5 million results. What does this mean for your business? It means the talent shortage is real, and you need to take steps to assure your company’s success in the coming years. You can fill…
Image via Flickr by Mike Mozart Wal-Mart is one of the most successful superstores in America. They sell everything from groceries and clothing to toys and car parts. Wal-Mart has literally become a one-stop shop for anything a family could want. The thing that sets them apart is their “Always Low Prices.” Wal-Mart’s supply chain…
Image via Flickr by L2F1 As crude oil shipments across railways and along waterways ramp up due to increased shale oil productivity, lawmakers in the state of Washington take a look at what additional safety measures might need to be put into place to safeguard the public. Devastating railroad accidents involving crude oil shipments in…
Image via Flickr komunews Infrastructure across the United States is crumbling. Roads, highways, and bridges need serious attention. However, legislators don’t always agree on how to fix the widespread problems or how to pay for them. As a result, poor infrastructure is taking a toll on supply chains in the United States, with no long-term…