Wal-Mart Imposes On-Time Performance Regulations
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Image via Flickr fervent-adepte-de-la-mode More and more brands join the sustainable sourcing movement each year. Ralph Lauren Corporation is one of the latest companies to make a commitment to manage its supply chain in a way that benefits the environment. The company has new sustainable sourcing guidelines for its wood-based fabric products and will also…
Image via Flickr by David Berkowitz Proper quality assurance measures are critical to reduce the return of goods and services to companies. When there’s an abundance of reverse logistics, it affects a number of facets of the organization, including inventory management, warehousing and storage, financials, and even losses and write-offs when you’re dealing with perishable…
Image via Flickr JeepersMedia In 2011, automakers in Japan faced months of production setbacks due to a massive earthquake. When it happened again in April 2016, Toyota was better prepared and is already bouncing back. The company is still losing money because of the quake, but losses aren’t as bad as they were in 2011….
Image via Flickr automobileitalia Google, General Motors, and Tesla are all working on self-driving cars. Now, there are rumors that Apple will enter the race. The Wall Street Journal reported that several Apple employees are working on project “Titan,” which is an electric vehicle in the minivan class. However, those rumors were not confirmed by…
Image via Flickr emmajanehw C.H. Robinson is a third-party logistics provider and freight brokerage business. The company provides transportation services to customers both large and small. Recently C.H. Robinson announced an innovative transportation management system (TMS) to help its customers with booking, tracking, and reporting for their shipping needs. Oops! You don’t have permission to…
Image via Flickr by KOMUnews The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration had a busy year. When they weren’t enacting new regulations, they were busy defending these new regulations in courtrooms and hearings. But after all the discussion, practically everything the FMCSA wanted to pass is now legally in effect. What are these new laws? More…