Adidas Cuts Ties with Asia to Promote Better Working Conditions

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Image via Flickr komunews Infrastructure across the United States is crumbling. Roads, highways, and bridges need serious attention. However, legislators don’t always agree on how to fix the widespread problems or how to pay for them. As a result, poor infrastructure is taking a toll on supply chains in the United States, with no long-term…
Image via Flickr by Atomic Taco UPS, and to a smaller degree FedEx, have fallen under fire by both consumers and retailers for failing to meet Christmas delivery deadlines. However, they were in fact victims of a perfect storm of problems that made on time deliveries impossible. According to industry sources, retailers and the weather conditions…
Image via Flickr by NASA Goddard Photo and Video Occasionally, from the frozen tundra of Antarctica comes activity. Yes, there’s life on Antarctica – more than just penguins. This continental ice sheet welcomes scientific researchers, explorers, and even tourists, all of whom need supplies and equipment to sustain their trip. And companies have to ship…
Image via Flickr by Key Foster The UK horse meat scandal continues to grow as officials investigate deeper. Over the last 7 years, the UK Border Agency has seized over 48 tons of meat entering the country illegally and doesn’t have the resources to control the problem alone. Government representatives are meeting with food industry…
Image via Flickr by keepintime_ca A lot of logistics goes on behind the scenes in hospitals. Doctors and nurses would not be able to do their jobs efficiently or effectively without the right supplies. All hospitals and healthcare facilities need distribution specialists as well as warehouse workers, couriers, purchasers, and supply chain management. It’s a…
Image via Flickr by jdnx Amazon made headlines on Black Friday 2013 with an announcement that the online retail giant is developing flying drones to deliver packages. The U.S. Army and some interests in Europe are in the process of developing driverless trucks. Now Rolls Royce makes it known that they’ve been developing unmanned cargo…