Family-Owned Business Addresses Issues of Reliable Transportation

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Image via Flickr by anaulin Gothenburg, Sweden announced its latest plans to abolish the six-hour workday. According to a report by the Atlantic, “The governing coalition has proposed a year-long trial that would divide some municipal workers into a test and control group at the same pay rate, with the test group working six-hour days…
Image via Flickr Usdagov The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is responsible for administering the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for families in the U.S. who don’t have the resources to buy sufficient groceries. The program is getting an upgrade in 2017 with the introduction of online grocery shopping. Starting in the summer of…
Image via Flickr automobileitalia Google, General Motors, and Tesla are all working on self-driving cars. Now, there are rumors that Apple will enter the race. The Wall Street Journal reported that several Apple employees are working on project “Titan,” which is an electric vehicle in the minivan class. However, those rumors were not confirmed by…
Image via Flickr by keepintime_ca A lot of logistics goes on behind the scenes in hospitals. Doctors and nurses would not be able to do their jobs efficiently or effectively without the right supplies. All hospitals and healthcare facilities need distribution specialists as well as warehouse workers, couriers, purchasers, and supply chain management. It’s a…
Image via Flickr by Jason A. Howie On March 6, 2015, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced that the trade deficit for goods and services has reached $41.8 billion. That’s the highest it has ever been. And, that number is expected to grow because of weak economic growth overseas and a strong dollar. This says…
Image via Flickr by thienzieyung Gains and loss reports for the first half of 2013 are in, and show mixed signals in terms of our overall economic situation. The economy grew at a sluggish 1.7 percent annual rate for the second quarter (April through June), according to the announcement by the Commerce Department on Wednesday….