Menswear Supplier Improves Warehouse Management With New System

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Image via Flickr mikebarry Kellogg’s is the largest cereal maker in the United States, but the company has recently switched its focus to snack foods. In October 2016, Kellogg’s announced its plan to acquire Parati Group, the leading Brazilian food producer and largest snack company in Latin America. The acquisition serves to further Kellog’s goals…
Image via Flickr by ahenobarbus In recent years, the automotive industry has made great strides in improving sustainability and supply chain transparency. The 2017 launch of DRIVE Sustainability, a partnership that includes 10 major automakers, promises additional progress toward a more sustainable industry. Learn which automakers have joined DRIVE Sustainability and how this important partnership…
Image via Flickr by Seattleye Supply chain disruptions are inevitable. What’s important is how a company faces these obstacles and what actions they take to overcome them. “Building Resilience in Supply Chains” was the focus of this year’s World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting on January 24th. The report addresses common uncontrollable risks of global supply…
Image via Flickr by Rewji23 The chief executive officer of luxury automotive manufacturer Bentley Motors, Dr. Wolfgang Schreiber, has spoken publically about the country’s lack of basic supplier infrastructure when it comes to supplying needed parts for automakers. According to Schreiber, the country’s government is doing a good thing by providing £1 for the into low-carbon engines…
Image via Flickr by Global Panorama The Apple Watch hasn’t made its debut yet, but many believe it has already cornered the market on smart watches. Why? Because everyone anticipates that the Apple Watch will be more functional and fashionable than any other smart watch already on the market. Everyone is eagerly awaiting for the…
Image via Flickr by American Industries Group Is security one of your primary concerns? It should be. In most cases, when security breaches occur within the supply chain, the situation could be thwarted. Here is a list of the primary places where security breaches take place, and how to prevent them.Oops! You don’t have permission…