H&M’s Ethical Supply Chain: What Other Retailers Can Learn

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Image via Flickr JeepersMedia At some point, virtually every successful company needs to make changes to its infrastructure in order to expand. In 2015 DHL projected significant growth and decided to invest in an updated online platform for customers to track packages. The investment did not have the expected outcome, though. Take a look at…
Image via Flickr by Michael Elleray Nobody likes to make predictions about the price of oil because it is such a volatile market. Oil prices are affected by the climate, politics, and other industries. As a matter of fact, the price of a barrel of oil can easily double in only a few months depending…
Image via Flickr by Mike Poresky The best procurement experts are continuously seeking out the most cost-effective procurement sources. Even when the supply chain runs seamlessly and achieves best costs, there are always alternatives that could offer better benefits to your overall operations and profits. If It’s Not Broke… Why would you actively search for…
Image via Flickr by btckeychain The start of the most recent U.S. recession (2008), marked the beginning of an almost unfathomable payment method: a software-based currency known as the Bitcoin. Since then, the virtual coinage has incited a spectrum of protestors and followers whose reactions range from chagrin to downright satisfaction. Currently, some companies deny…
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Image via Flickr by andjohan We’ve all heard news reports about companies shutting down their US factories and moving those jobs overseas, causing hundreds and thousands of Americans to become unemployed. How could outsourcing possibly be good for the local economy when it immediately results in lost jobs?Oops! You don’t have permission to view this…