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Image via Flickr by didbygraham With the recent innovations in technology, environmental policy, and the global supply chain, it’s no surprise that the logistics industry is also undergoing tremendous changes. The transportation industry is trying to clean up their bad environmental reputation and use new technologies to make it easier, faster, and more efficient to…
Image via Flickr everyoneisgone Most companies around the world do not have supply chain practices in place to promote sustainable sourcing. As customers push for sustainability, however, this issue is becoming a big deal. Take a look why consumers are demanding more sustainability and the steps companies are taking to improve.Oops! You don’t have permission…
Image via Flickr by Rubber Dragon Undoubtedly, e-commerce has changed consumer marketing, retail stores, pricing structures, and the general shopping landscape. Almost six percent of all retail commerce is now done online. However, it is also forcing logistics executives to rethink how they operate warehouse facilities, truck routes, and even loading docks. Look at how…
Image via Flickr fervent-adepte-de-la-mode More and more brands join the sustainable sourcing movement each year. Ralph Lauren Corporation is one of the latest companies to make a commitment to manage its supply chain in a way that benefits the environment. The company has new sustainable sourcing guidelines for its wood-based fabric products and will also…
Image via Flickr by boellstiftung According to a recent report by Reuters, “Drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline plans to invest up to 130 million pounds ($216 million) in Africa over the next five years as chronic diseases become more common among the continent’s swelling urban middle classes.”Oops! You don’t have permission to view this page! Make sure you’re…
Image via Flickr by mckaysavage The cost of coffee, including by-the-cup and grocery store bag sales, is expected to rise in cities all over the world due to a coffee manufacturing shortage related to drought in Brazil, exporter of one-third of the world’s coffee supply.Oops! You don’t have permission to view this page! Make sure…