Amazon Prime Tries New Logistics Approach

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Image via Flickr slgckgc Forced labor is a serious problem around the world, but many companies have begun to stand up for human rights by boycotting all forced labor goods. KitKat recently announced its participation in ethical procurement. Take a look at how this chocolate brand is getting involved.Oops! You don’t have permission to view…
Image via Flickr by whitneyinchicago Pizza Express began with a single mom and pop store in the 1960s and gradually added locations until they reached their status of 300 restaurant franchises. They serve 16 million customers per year with traditional Italian pizzas. Their popularity is largely due to their traditional cooking methods and the authentic…
Image via Flickr Image via Flickr by Andrei! Electric vehicles aren’t new to the market, but electric trucks are. Most electric vehicles are small and don’t have much horsepower. Trucks need to be able to pull thousands of pounds in freight, so they need significant horsepower. That’s one reason the debut of electric trucks is…
Image via Flickr by theimpulsivebuy Many people have grown up eating cereal across the U.S., and Kellogg’s has become a household brand. The company manufactures a long list of cereals including Froot Loops, Special K, Raisin Bran, Frosted Mini-Wheats, and Frosted Flakes. Kellogg’s makes much more than cereal, though. Some of the company’s other food…
Image via Flickr nevil zaveri Slavery might seem like an issue of the past, but it’s still present in many communities today. If you eat fruits and vegetables, wear cotton clothing, use a cellphone, or eat chocolate, you might be contributing inadvertently to slavery. In recent years, consumers have driven companies to improve environmental practices…
Image via Flickr by Thomas Good Supply chains are an integral part of any business. They harness what the product is as well as the company’s vision while adhering to the demands of the consumers and business partners. There are, however, risks associated with a supply chain, especially if the supply chain is global.Oops! You don’t have…