BMW Tackles Fuel Cell Development

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Image via Flickr MarioSpann As technology improves, robots are poised to take over factory floors around the world. This includes tasks that go beyond basic repetition. Whirlpool is one brand that is turning to robotics in its manufacturing processes. The company has implemented several new robots this year and doesn’t have plans of slowing down.Oops!…
Image via Flickr by United Planet VC Train is a consortium made up of 120 third sector organizations (TSOs). It is based in South Yorkshire, which happened to be in great lack of quality programs able to attract, educate, and retain disadvantaged and underprivileged youth and adults. Their goal was to secure contracts with the…
Image via Flickr by Official U.S. Navy Imagery According to newly released data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration in its 2010 Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey, U.S. manufacturing facilities are producing about the same amount of goods while lowering their energy costs and consumption tremendously. According to the report, the U.S. manufacturing sector decreased its…
Image via Flickr by Kolin Toney On Tuesday Feb. 18, President Obama announced new regulations for big trucks and fuel economy. In his recent address, the president stated: “Heavy-duty trucks account for just 4 percent of all the vehicles on the highway. […] But they’re responsible for about 20 percent of carbon pollution in the…
Image via Flickr by whitneyinchicago Pizza Express began with a single mom and pop store in the 1960s and gradually added locations until they reached their status of 300 restaurant franchises. They serve 16 million customers per year with traditional Italian pizzas. Their popularity is largely due to their traditional cooking methods and the authentic…
Image via Flickr by Steve Snodgrass In his hit song Thrift Shop, Macklemore proclaims, “I wear your granddad’s clothes; I look incredible.” And it’s true – the part about chic attire (sometimes) excluded. These days, thrift stores do fashionably outfit consumers with goods that come from a variety of sources – your family members included.Oops!…