Does the Galaxy Note 7 Recall Threaten Samsung’s Industry Lead?

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Image via Flickr by Grandma & Grandpa T. Not long ago, people became supply chain employees through another outlet such as an MBA. Now, more schools are responding to job opportunities in the industry and are offering degree programs to fill the needs within the industry. Businessweek suggests that careers within the supply chain are…
Image via Flickr by Rubber Dragon PetroSA, South Africa’s national oil company, has fallen under investigation by its parent company, Central Security Fund and South Africa’s department of energy for a series of ongoing inappropriate procurement procedures. Though a full investigation is underway and few details have been released to date about the indiscretions, here’s…
Image via Flickr by westonhighschoollibrary Several companies are investigating 3D printing because it could revolutionize the supply chain industry. Instead of having items made in a third-world country and then shipped around the world, 3D printing opens up the possibility of making products anywhere and minimizing shipping needs. This means 3D printing could save companies…
Image via Flickr christiaan_008 Ransomware is a dangerous computer virus that can wreak havoc on businesses and their operations. To deploy ransomware, hackers use encryption code to lock up targeted computer data and hold it for ransom. If victims want to regain access to the data, they typically have to pay a large sum of…
Image via Flickr by Seattleye Supply chain disruptions are inevitable. What’s important is how a company faces these obstacles and what actions they take to overcome them. “Building Resilience in Supply Chains” was the focus of this year’s World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting on January 24th. The report addresses common uncontrollable risks of global supply…
Image via Flickr by Leszek Kozlowski The crisis in Ukraine started over a year ago when pro-Moscow leader Viktor Yanukovych broke a trade agreement with the E.U. in favor of an agreement with Russia. This caused protests in Kiev, eventually toppling Mr. Yanukovych and causing Russia to move in and annex Crimea. Now, Russia is…