Denmark: The Future Is Wind Power

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Image via Flickr bencorman H&M is one of the largest fashion retail companies in the world. Despite years of supply chain challenges, the company has remained profitable and popular. H&M has done this by strengthening its brand against growing concerns for the environment and human rights during manufacturing. Read on to learn more about H&M’s…
Image via Flickr by Seattleye Supply chain disruptions are inevitable. What’s important is how a company faces these obstacles and what actions they take to overcome them. “Building Resilience in Supply Chains” was the focus of this year’s World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting on January 24th. The report addresses common uncontrollable risks of global supply…
Image via Flickr Nick Saltmarsh The healthcare industry faces numerous unique supply chain challenges. Hospitals and other medical facilities need the supplies they order in a timely manner because delays can mean the difference between life and death. For instance, if a hospital ER department does not have enough saline bags, a patient could die…
Image via Flickr Mapbox Uber revolutionized the way that people travel from one place to another with its app that connects passengers and drivers. Now, the company has entered the long-haul freight industry with hopes of making the same strides for freight. Check out Uber Freight and its plans for the future of freight booking.Oops!…
Image via Flickr by Curimedia | P H O T O G R A P H Y On March 17, Jet Airways announced that they will start operating dedicated freight planes instead of passenger-only planes. As long as the company gets regulatory approval, the first freight planes will begin operations in April 2015. Jet Airways…
Image via Flickr by theewarat Business software solutions giant SAP thought they had a competitor. Baan, a Dutch company offering business software, entered the North American market in 1994 when it landed the coveted client Boeing. The next few years, Baan grew at an unprecedented rate of 100 percent, a growth rate almost anyone would…